Wart trouble
/So a lot of you guys probably saw the stop motion blue dinosaur I finished a few months ago, which was one of the more rewarding (and exhausting) projects I've worked on recently. Naturally, I've signed up to do something way crazier and way longer in the same amount of time in the fall. SCAD has one of the best university stop motion labs in the world, and they're setting up the stop motion class for us to team up and make a real animated short rather than all of us making smaller, less impressive projects, so it seemed like I ought to take advantage.
To that end, I signed onto a project about a kid with a demonically possessed wart on his back. Not my usual schtick, but with directing ambitions it's important to learn how to work on someone else's stuff. So without further ado, the first pass at a rough animatic:
The nice thing about storyboards is that you have a lot of license to be rough with your lines, as the most important thing is the clarity of the action in the frame. Storyboards are typically used as a tool for directors, assistant directors, cinematographers, producers, and more broadly for the entire crew. Given that, it's important they be easily reproducible and easily legible.
Right now, the biggest problem is that this thing is over four minutes. Our next job is to pare it down to only the NECESSARY action to get the story across, which is a major headache but also one of the most thrilling steps (!!). Stay tuned for a look at how the whole thing turns out.