SCAD Animationfest 2017
/So as a lot of you guys know, I'm at SCAD for an MFA in animation right now. The school was recently gracious enough to shuttle us all the way to Atlanta for an animation festival, and it was incredible. There were so many people with so much talent, professionals and students alike, and I did my best to meet all of them. Really great trip.
The only downside was the five-hour bus ride between cities, our shuttles were not designed for the long haul. Fortunately, I'd picked up a fun character design exercise somewhere recently before we left, and was able to spend a good chunk of the trip drawing a bunch of nonsense. You'll forgive the squibbly lines.
Basically the idea was you take a heavy pencil and draw a bunch of weird shapes on a page, then come in with something smaller and fill in the details. Fun stuff!