From Dream to Reality (again)!!
Guess who's excited to hear the news!!
(If you haven't heard the news, here it is.)
P.S. I apologize for the potato quality of the photograph, I'll scan it tonight and give you folks a nicer look ASAP :)
Guess who's excited to hear the news!!
(If you haven't heard the news, here it is.)
P.S. I apologize for the potato quality of the photograph, I'll scan it tonight and give you folks a nicer look ASAP :)
"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." -Neale Donald Walsch This is way more profound than what I need it for, but I wanted to tell you guys I tried pixel art! I've always been a little mystified by it, so I figured what better way to get over it than by just doing it? Turns out, playing lots of Minecraft actually helps you think about how to simplify complex shapes into little blocks, and I think I mostly did okay. I used the five characters currently playing through my Dungeons and Dragons campaign as a jumping-off point, so here! Have some pixel sprites.
I've been pretty busy working on a project I'm not ready to release yet, but in the mean time I thought it would be nice to share some doodles I've doodled! I've had a Zorro/Don Quixote-like lizard stuck in my head for a while, and he keeps making his way onto nearby surfaces when I'm trying to do work. So inconsiderate, he is.
Also, there is a sloth.
I am not a political cartoonist. I never have been and never plan to be. But when I heard the news driving to work yesterday, I knew before I got out of the car I had to draw what I felt. I apologize if I offend anyone, that is not my intention. I personally have no religious affiliation, but I know Islam to be a beautiful religion with millions of good, peaceful followers who do not deserve this kind of representation. My heart goes out to the cartoonists, the newspaper workers, and the police who lost their lives doing what they believed was right. For their families, for their people, and for their ideas, I can only add my voice to the chorus: je suis Charlie.
Andrés Eduardo is the director of the 2020 Annie-nominated student film Con Fuerza. He is currently working as an assistant animator at ShadowMachine, as well as working on independent stop motion projects.
Andrés also writes and draws the Blue Dinosaur webcomic.
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